
Tips for maintaining your mental health during lockdown

I have gone through a myriad of emotions during the past couple of weeks however the closer we got to D-day, when South Africa would shut down for 21-days, the more anxious I began to feel.  The uncertainty of what the future holds, the unknowns and this impending feeling of claustrophobia would settle on me. The anxiety around having an anxiety attack while at home with my children has been a real fear. So I took it to the Lord in prayer and while He settled my heart He also gave me strategies on how to look after my mental health and be there for my family.

Tip 1: Routine

Get into a routine as quickly as possible and try to keep it as close to your normal routine as possible. So I sat down and worked out a routine that would make sure my children were looked after physically and mentally. Busy minds make for happier children. Our routine has time slots for exercise, school work, art (which can be painting, baking or creating), T.V time, free time and yard work/outside play. I have also limited eating times to 3 meals a day and 2 snack times. This prevents us from using our time to graze and wait for time to pass. It has made a significant difference to how I view the time ahead. We get dressed every morning. This is important for me because when I’m in my pyjamas the temptation to lie around and loaf is too much. Loafing leads to feelings of depression.

Tip 2: Exercise

This is very important. My children are included in this and all of us are in a much better mood afterwards. It also has a calming affect on Noah (4) and this makes it easier for him to have to be contained in the house.

Tip 3: Make a list

Make a list of all the things around your home that you would like to get done. That cupboard that you have been meaning to sort out, that art project you have been wanting to do or the garage that you have wanted to clear out. Make the list and aim to tick off one item every day. If you don’t it’s not a train smash and if you do it feels like you have accomplished something for that day. After 5 days you feel like you have gotten so much done.  

Tip 4: Make time to meditate, worship and pray

My time with my bible and in God’s presence in my favourite time. He fills me with peace and comfort. I believe this is a time when we can really answer His call for intimacy. To not only know the Father but to be known by Him. This can be a holy time if we allow it to be. If we invite Him into our every day and every moment. Lean on Him in the secret place.

Tip 5: Grace for yourself

Not everyday is going to be a dream and you won’t feel mentally well every day.  And that’s okay. Have grace with yourself to feel how you feel. Don’t stuff your feelings and don’t eat them either (or you will run out of food). Allow your children the space to feel the feels as well. Give your partner space to do the same. I have had to have grace for myself. One feeling I was surprised to have was grief. Grief over what I see happening around the world. Grief for the people of Italy that won’t get to say goodbye to their loved ones. Grief for our people and what could happen. Grief at the loss of what we used to call normal. And so, I grieved, and I gave myself space for that. Today, I am at peace and grateful that in this moment I get to be with my children and see them healthy. To laugh and play with them.

When the days ahead seem impossible to navigate, I am so greatly comforted by the fact that I can’t hide from God. “but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you.” Psalm 139: 12 NIV

Jesus is with you. “If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” – Psalm 139: 8 – 10 NIV

Tip 6: Maintain a sense of humour

Make time to laugh. After all, laughter is as good as medicine! Proverbs 17:22

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