
Precious Sedge-way / Denyse the starter

During lockdown Andre has discovered a new found passion for sourdough bread. It has been quite an adventure witnessing all the false starts and the determination. The final success and the absolute happiness it brought when it arrived. I observed Andre over a three week period with his glass jars, tending, wondering, feeding, googling and worrying. I observed the frustration as each starter turned out to be a false start.

After three weeks he arrived at his victory. He had overcome the battle. He had learnt so much and he enjoyed the success of watching his precious starter Denyse, (Sedge-way: it’s debatable), flourish. As he fed her she grew. Every time he thought of her, he stirred her. The light shone in his eyes as she grew into a formidable living entity with bacteria, yeasts, and other microorganisms. Out of this beautiful glass jar Denyse was able to produce pancakes, loaves of bread as well as being employed for numerous plans for flat bread and anything else that can be baked and enjoyed.

After much trial and error Andre discovered that his error in those who had preceded Denyse was the type of food he had fed them. His processed flour had not been nutritious enough and sadly his starters grew corrupt and had to be given over to the dustbin. They were too corrupt to be useful. He experience a light bulb moment when he was encouraged to use a high quality unbleached flour to feed his Denyse.

Sedge-way / Denyse the triumphant starter

This feeding was what she truly needed, she enjoyed it and it was the quality needed to grow her. Denyse has been beautifully useful. From her glass jar we are able to take a portion of her and transfer it to a new vessel to begin a whole new starter. This process can be carried out numerous times provided she is kept well fed. She is also so fully developed that she will last years in our fridge. This process has been truly beautiful to observe.

Isn’t it so amazing how God has created the world we live in? How much alike we are with Denyse and her predecessors? Our faith has the potential to be a starter faith. A faith that has the power to be shared and poured into fresh vessels. Faith so dynamic, rich, vibrant and fully developed that it can become so many things for so many people. The question is: What are we feeding our Denyse?

Are we feeding her a watered down gospel that makes allowances for us to live our own way? Are we feeding her the foods of this world so highly processed with sin that our corruption is imminent? Is our faith in danger of being discarded because we have fed her on the flimsy faith of the things of this world? Things that are easily swept away. Things such as our jobs? Our finances? Our houses? If the pandemic that we are living in has taught us anything, it would be that the things of this world are not certain. They are fleeting. Easily taken from us. So, how do we become the starter faith this world so desperately needs?

Reading the following scripture moved me so much. I had to evaluate what is important to me. “Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare.” – Isaiah 55:2 NIV. What is this “richest of fare” that we read about in this scripture? What is better than bread of this world? Why is my labor not satisfying? Why am I not fulfilled when I spend my money on the things of this world? What am I building and investing in?

The richest of fare is God’s word. The Holy Bible. The life giving bread for our faith. Pure, unchanged truth of the scriptures is the unbleached high quality expensive flour that your faith needs. The truth that cost our Saviour His life. The truth that was poured out in the form of Jesus’ crimson blood. Truth that cost so much. When we sit at the feet of Jesus and consume His word He will surely grow us. Our faith will become like Denyse the starter. It will begin to grow and burn brightly.

Every time we think of Jesus our faith will be stirred. Every time we feast on His word our faith will double. The time will come when we will be so full that we will use our starter faith to plant our faith in the glass jars of others. As they take the time to feed their starter they too will grow. The potential of our faith to become the delicious pancakes, flat breads, loaves and all things baked in the Kingdom of God rests on what we consume.

Sedge-way / Denyse the starter’s first loaf of sourdough bread

And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.” – Jeremiah 3:15 ESV. Precious friends, surround yourselves with friends who will feed you the truth. Submit yourselves to leaders who will only serve up the expensive flour that is the truth of Gods word. Unchanged and without edit. Make the time to feast on the word of God so that your faith may become the starter this world needs.

This season is the season to be preparing. For feasting and stirring, for God is about to use your starter for a wonderful harvest in the Kingdom. The Father is about to dip into your faith to produce delicious items that will be looked upon by the world to show His glory. To reveal His goodness. The kindness of His love. The power of His great works. What a time to be feasting on His word and to be excited for what is about to come.

Happy feasting friends, I look forward to seeing what Father will make of you!

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