
A woman worth celebrating

"Use your fear... it can take you to the place where you store your courage" - Emelia Earhart My Mother grew up being the eldest of six children in a single parent household - for the most part. She was raised to raise her siblings. She fell pregnant and married really young (17) and she… Continue reading A woman worth celebrating


The journey of yes… part two


Spirit of adoption

Roughly four weeks ago my little family adopted a shelter dog. Her name is Daisy, she is 2 years old and is a Boston terrier cross. When we got the okay from our landlord and settled on the breed we began our search for our fluffy companion. The weeks went past and we didn't find… Continue reading Spirit of adoption


The Why…

As a child I was always writing. I would write songs, poetry, short stories and anything else that came to mind. I went through a period in my adult life when I was in such a broken place that I could not write, not even in my personal journal. I would avoid it at all… Continue reading The Why…


A heart for worship

By day the Lord directs His love, at night His song is with me - a prayer to the God of my life - Psalm 42: 8 Worship - the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity. Synonyms: reverence, revering, veneration, adoring, praying, devotion, praise, thanksgiving, glorification, glory, extolling, exaltation, respect, honour,… Continue reading A heart for worship