
The journey of yes… part two


The journey of yes – part one

He wants to sit right in front. Oh no. I'm cringing. We walk down the aisle to the seats just behind the front row.We do the chair shuffle. 'sorry', 'thank you', 'sorry'. I'm standing awkwardly next to someone I don't know. I dont get this church thing. I feel so awkward. I wish we could… Continue reading The journey of yes – part one


Prison rooms part 2

I'm sitting at my desk. In my class. My teacher has asked us to write down what our lives will look like in 10 years time and when we are done, 20 years and then 30 years. I start writing furiously. 1. I go to university. 2. I am a marine biologist. 3. No, a… Continue reading Prison rooms part 2


Prison rooms

It's Friday afternoon. The bathroom door swings open slowly. I look up into the eyes of my husband. He places his hand on his hip, his shoulders droop and he sighs gently. 'And, what is happening here?', he askes. 'Mommy is crying', Noah replies, snuggling his soft baby blonde head into my neck. I'm sitting… Continue reading Prison rooms


A heart for worship

By day the Lord directs His love, at night His song is with me - a prayer to the God of my life - Psalm 42: 8 Worship - the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity. Synonyms: reverence, revering, veneration, adoring, praying, devotion, praise, thanksgiving, glorification, glory, extolling, exaltation, respect, honour,… Continue reading A heart for worship