Guest Posts

Growth during lockdown

Growth is defined as follows: The process of increasing in size. To widen, broaden, increase or see extension. Let’s take it a step further. Personal growth is defined as: The ongoing process of understanding and developing oneself in order to achieve one’s fullest potential. Every season we walk through in life can either grow us or crush us. I am a big fan of growth over being crushed. Whenever a situation presents itself to us we have the incredible opportunity to decide to grow and learn or allow it to defeat us.

The key in every season is our attitude. Do we choose to worship Jesus in the valley as well as the mountain tops? Do we look to His face and say “teach me dear Lord”? Do we allow the moments of hardship and celebrations to change us? Or are we satisfied to face every difficulty with the same world view every time? Are we satisfied to face difficulties and remain unchanged thereby rendering our valley experiences poor and invaluable? Or do we allow Holy Spirit to come and bring out the gold from the dust of the valley floor?

Allow Jesus to bring out the gold from the dust of your valley experience!

I have learnt to lean into the crisis and yield to the Holy Spirit. Teach me Oh Lord (Psalm 119), give me understanding and make me more like you! The world has found itself in the middle of historical events and the world as we knew it is forever changed. Yet, there is value in crisis. If we choose to lean in and find the gold. If we choose to learn in the crisis. During this pandemic we have seen South Africans rising to the challenge. The beautiful spirit of Ubuntu has risen among people and we have seen thousands being fed. Neighbours helping neighbours.

New business ideas have been launched. In true form South Africans have risen. It’s the very nature of the strength this nation yields. We overcome. We have witnessed the church being moved from within the building to without. Rising up and reaching those who need to be reached. It is in the light of this that I decided to run a “Growth during lockdown” series. For the next couple of weeks I will be featuring the voices of fellow children of God to hear how they have chosen to lean in and grow. I am so excited to hear what God is doing among His people.

When we choose to lean into the crisis we turn the crisis into a valuable season of learning!

During lockdown I have learnt new skills and I have gained a confidence in myself that I haven’t had in a very long time. I have encountered the love of God and His gentle healing in my soul. I have felt more myself than I have in many years. I have watched my children grow and change right in front of me. I have learnt how to connect with my family in deeper ways. I have learnt that I love to paint and I have taught myself so much about water colour painting. I have learnt to put down perfection and pick up the lense of God that looks on me with love.

I learnt how to present lessons to my learners on different levels using online mediums. I learnt to write flash fiction and wrote an interesting piece. I worked on my therapy tool box with the help of my online therapist. Mostly I learnt to embrace the moment and allow God the space to work in the midst of wherever I find myself. The real challenges lie up ahead and I am so grateful for all I have learnt because I know that His love is better than all the earth. The trials that I know I will have to walk through in the coming months will be an opportunity for further growth. It will be an opportunity to hold tightly to the hand of Jesus and through this lockdown I have learnt to do just that!

**If you would like to share your story of how you have grown or how your faith has grown during lockdown please get in touch with me at to be apart of this series. Lets celebrate how good God has been!

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