
Christian living: Are you qualified?

Are you qualified? This is a very prominent question in our society. What qualifications do you have? A question that causes such expectation. If I am not adequately qualified my worth is highly diminished when placed next to someone that is more qualified than I am. Is it your education that qualifies you? The way you look or the clothes you wear? Do you look to your experience?

In our society qualification is a desired achievement. All throughout our lives we are directed into the fish pond of higher education. Knowledge will qualify you – we are told. Its such an important part of our lives. When you go for an interview its important to show that you are qualified for the job that you applied for. When you want to help out your friends its important to show them that you are qualified either by knowledge, experience or education. We desire that feeling that makes us believe that we are indeed “qualified”.

Sherayne George Graduation Ceremony
Photo credit: Gordon Harris Photography

The day I graduated with a degree was one of the most accomplished days of my life. I had set a goal. After many years of pursuing and working towards that goal I finally reached that stage. As I walked across the stage to receive my degree I felt validated, worthy and well… qualified. By my own efforts I had become qualified. As humans we have this tendency to weigh and measure ourselves according to an internal system of worthiness that we absorb from the world around us. It’s a scale formed on what we believe is important to people around us. We “feel” how qualified or unqualified we are.

When it comes to serving in the Kingdom we look around ourselves and weigh that worthiness by what we see as “qualified” in others. How grateful I am that Holy Spirit has been ministering to me on this for a while now. He has asked me the question: “What qualifies you? Is it your efforts?”. I have always found myself standing in a room with my measuring stick and falling short. Over and over again.When I worship… I’m not talented enough. When I write… I am not eloquent enough. When I share… my voice is not loud enough.

I am not enough. . .

On my own. In my own strength. In my own wisdom. But, God!

I love the definition of servanthood by Dr. Walt Barimore – “Biblical servanthood can be defined as loving acts performed in the power of the Holy Spirit to meet the temporal and spiritual needs of those around us—and leaving the results to God”. Wow, read that again. What is Christian living if not biblical servanthood? And all that Christian living requires of us is to perform loving acts, leaving the results to God! I don’t know about you but for me that takes the pressure off.

We serve leaving the results to God!

Ephesians 2: 8 – 9 says this: “For it was only through this wonderful grace that we believed in Him. Nothing we did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the gracious gift from God that brought us to Christ! So no one will ever be able to boast, for salvation is never a reward for good works or human striving.” We serve because we are saved not the other way around. It’s Jesus that qualifies us to carry out the life He desires for you to have. It’s in Him we find our courage to face our problems with love, grace and mercy not just for others but for ourselves as well! How wonderful is that thought. All I have to do is show up!

In God’s infinite wisdom He made us vulnerable and weak. The glory can never be ours, we can not make ourselves “qualified” or worthy. Only the blood of Jesus can ever do that. If you ever find yourself doubting if God can use you pick up the Word of God and turn to 2 Peter 1:3 and allow this to take root in your heart.

By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the One who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence.” You were made to live an extraordinary life. You were destined for more. Leave your measuring stick at the door and rest in the value that God placed on your life. Such value that He did not even spare His precious Son so that He could see you walk in intimacy with Him.

Be blessed precious soul. Jesus makes you worthy. Jesus qualifies you for the Christian life of servanthood! You need only receive Him.

3 thoughts on “Christian living: Are you qualified?”

  1. Thank you for this much-needed reminder. I don’t have a degree, but am surrounded by so many people who do. Sometimes that can be a bit intimidating. I read somewhere that “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.”


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